We know sugar, coffee and molasses inside-out. Our internal research team provide market-leading insights and forecasts for the supply and demand of the key commodities we trade in. Our research team consists of economists, agronomists, quants and weather specialists – based in both origin and destination countries. The team also monitor developments in the broader global commodity markets and macro environment.
ED&F Man Commodities provide regular in-depth market updates. If you are a customer and wish to access our proprietary reports please contact
[nothing to show here]For access to recent media links where ED&F Man research have been referenced, please see below. Note: 3rd party subscriptions may be required to access some articles and content.
BBC Talking Business: What to expect for the global economy in 2025
Rising Robusta Coffee Prices Hit Home Amid Weather Woes, Higher Demand — Talking Markets
Prices for robusta coffee beans, the cheaper variety for the morning brew at home, have soared to their most expensive level in more than a decade. A drought in major grower Brazil and poor weather for farmers in Indonesia and India have …
Prices and planting in the world of soft commodities: TXF speaks to Kona Haque
The TXF Global Commodity Finance and Sustainable Natural Resources event is set to kick off in Amsterdam on 23 May. In a special pre-event podcast, TXF reporter Ralph Ivey speaks to Kona Haque, Head of Research at ED&F Man, about volatile trading conditions and the changing face of production in the soft commodities markets …
Sugar Prices Bubble Up to Highest Since 2012

See below for our dedicated commodities reports.
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“I have been working for Volcafe for over a decade now, and what I value the most is the relationships you build, not only with teammates around the globe, but also within your community and how connecting the supply chain can make a positive impact on farmers lives”
“As a company, ED&F Man values employees’ work-life balance and promotes a holistic approach in motivating their best work. ED&F Man / Volcafe offered me the opportunity to work with extremely smart people and perform challenging work. There has never been a time when I have been disappointed. A unique aspect of ED&F Man is the level of talent combined with a willingness to share and learn from each other’s expertise. ED&F Man is a company I am really proud of and great place to work. Because of the company’s culture and values, we as employees feel passionate about our careers and grow professionally. The last 7 years have been awesome in the company, and I look forward to working for many more years to come.”
“If you’re intellectually curious, up for a challenge and self-directed in your approach you will thrive in this diverse and multicultural business where no two days are ever alike and you really do have the opportunity to shape the future in a fascinating, global business.”
“No day is the same working in such a dynamic industry and entrepreneurial environment. With our global presence, career opportunities are endless. ”
“With a diversity of clients spread across different regions, working with ED&F Man Sugar will allow you to visit, trade, and understand various regions within the soft commodity world; all the while allowing you to display your entrepreneurial skills when the opportunity arises.”